To move forward with the printing, the requirements for the artwork file are the same as below:
1. Size limit: 50MB
2. Format: JPG or JPEG
3. Color mode: CMYK
4. Resolution: 72 DPI or up
5. Color profile: Ensure that you select 'Embed Color Profile' before saving as JPEG format on Adobe Photoshop
6. Artwork's Width:
a. If the width is smaller than the fabric width, it will be horizontally repeated.
b. If the width matches the fabric width, it will not be repeated horizontally.
c. If the width is larger than the fabric width, it will be adjusted to fit with a fixed ratio.
7. Artwork's Height (or adjusted height to fit the fabric width):
a. If the height is smaller than the order quantity, it will be vertically repeated.
b. If the height matches the order quantity, it will not be repeated vertically.
c. If the height is larger than the order quantity, the excess area will be cut.
If you encounter any issues, even after ensuring your artwork file meets our requirements, don't worry! Please refer to the following guide for assistance.
Case No. 1: I cannot upload the file even if it is 72 dpi or up.
Resolution: Please simply open the file in Photoshop and save a copy as JPG/JPEG. This will enable you to upload the file through our website.
Case No. 2: I cannot upload the file even if it is JPEG/JPG.
Resolution: Please simply open the file in Photoshop and save a copy as JPG/JPEG. Just to make sure not to export as JPEG/JPG.
Case No. 3: I cannot upload the file even if it is 50MB or less.
Resolution: It is likely that the file size in pixels/megapixels displayed in Photoshop is too large. Just a heads up that the compressed JPEG/JPG file size should be under 50MB, and the file size in pixels/megapixels displayed in Photoshop should be less than 940M. Please keep these limits in mind and you should be good to go!
We hope that these guidelines will assist you in successfully uploading your artwork file to our website. If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at with your artwork file.